Sunday, September 16, 2012

An interview with M.E. Purfield

So we kick off another week of author interviews and guest posts with M.E Purfield.  He was raised in the Jersey 'burbs, but at 18 he moved to Jersey City to attend The School of Visual Arts film program in NYC. He has never returned to the 'burbs. Since then he's done some script work for low low low budget films and even directed a few shorts.

Before publishing novels, he has toiled around with many short stories in many genres at many venues until he decided his strengths lie with Young Adult fiction. He wrote three contemporary novels jesus freakz + buddha punx, Breaking Fellini, and Delicate Cutters (due out in 2012). Now he focuses on Noir Fantasy, a genre that brings together hardboiled prose, anti heroes, crime, and dark fantasy.

When not practicing the art of Potty Mouth, he spends his time raising his son, being married, watching horror films, and listening to punk music.

Hi books include Black Deeper Than Death, Party Girl Crashes the Rapture, jesus freakz + buddha punx

1)     Tell me a little bit about your latest book?
       A BLACK DEEPER THAN DEATH (MIKI RADICCI BOOK 1) is about a 16 year old celebrity artist who psychically experiences a murder. Not only does she attract the attention of the police, but the killer too. So she tries to get him before he can get her.

2)      How did you come up with the title?
       I just played around with the words in my head until it had a nice ring to it and had some meaning to the story.

3)      Do you write in the same genre you like to read?
       I think I might. Lately if feel I’ve been writing urban noir fantasy. But I don’t read much urban noir fantasy because it gives me a sour stomach. I don’t think they get the principles. So mostly I read either noir/mystery or dark fantasy.

4)      Do you have a specific writing style?
       I might be called a minimalist.

5)      Do you have a writing schedule?
       1k words everyday for one week, then the next week I revise.

6)      Do you plan your work or just go with it and start with the initial idea?
       I do all my planning in my head. I don’t outline, but I may write notes on key actions that need to happen, mostly I do this as I’m writing, not before. I like to keep things spontaneous.

7)      What are your current projects?
       Middling through a draft of the 3rd Miki Radicci book, BLOOD LIKE CHERRY ICE, and working with editors for the 2nd book, IN A BLACKENED SKY WHERE DREAMS COLLIDE.

8)      What are your challenges in writing? 
       What elements do you find difficult? Keeping honest with my character and not taking advantage of my reader.

9)      Are there any downsides to being a writer?
       Yeah, the money.

Product Details10)   What are you reading now?
       Jim Thompson’s A SWELL-LOOKING BABE.

11)   How tough was the decision to self publish?
      Not too tough. I came from a background of DIY mentality. I’m very punk. I have no regard for authority or corporate mentality. 

12)   How do you perceive the world of self publishing?
       I perceive it as wonderful. It’s great that anyone with a story can share it with the world. It reminds me a lot of the Beat generation and how they would meet at bars or clubs and listen to each other’s stories.

True, it has a downside that less experienced writers will come in with the wrong expectations, but in my travels I have found a lot of amazing writers and stories that I know could never be told in order to make money for the board of directors.
Follow this link to get your copy of Black Deeper than Death

Find M.E. Purfield on Twitter: @mepurfield
M.E. Purfield will also be joining us tomorrow where he is discussing the rise of the anti hero.  make sure you stop by to check that out. 

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