Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Checking in for the month

Hey everybody! Well I am aware that I have not been blogging as much over the last week and a half. In fact there has been a definite absence of my virtual self. It's time to put down the beach towel, wash off the sun-lotion, and get back to work.

Any of you that checked out my last blog post will know that I took a holiday in Greece on the island of Santorini, and the holiday spirit has lingered on! I think I am now at the end of a ten day period when I have dropped out of the world of work completely, not a single word of the WIP was written, and I have abandoned my electronic and virtual friends. Let’s take a recap on the achievements of last month. The things that actually can be ticked off include;

1.      Self published The Loss of Deference
2.      Joined twitter
3.      Started a blog
4.      Began the work in progress
5.      Typed 45,000 words of WIP
6.      Got engaged and lounged around for over a week

So, all in all, I am not feeling too disappointed with myself, and think I have put in a fairly good effort for the summer (especially considering that I live in Cyprus where the extent of work at this time of the year is considering whether you want one sugar or two in your frappe). To have self published my novel and have a steady stream of sales has been by far the biggest of the achievements, and the most challenging. Self publishing may not be for everybody but it has worked - so far - for me. Twitter and the blogging have also been unexpected but very enjoyable and rewarding editions to that process that has brought me in touch with so many people that are in the same boat as me. So dont forget that if you haven’t picked up your copy of The Loss of Deference yet make sure you follow this link to get your hands on a good read for less than the cost of the weekend paper (and probably is considerably more uplifting!)
As for the WIP, I am so pleased with the 45,000 words that I have typed in the course of three weeks. Although I haven't written anything for the last ten days, and was starting to berate myself for it, when I see what I have typed in black and white it puts my mind at rest. By the end of September, it should be finished, and the first draft edited. I'm not going to grumble about that too much, and then, I can also start enjoying the process of the artwork for the cover whilst it is at the editors! Plus maybe do a bit more lounging and wedding planning then too!

So today is the first day back. With the exception of not having a new pencil case and lots of nicely sharpened pencils to lose from it, it feels like the first day back at school. Let’s hope that the final mark for the next school term will be an A+.

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